«A rising star in the international choral scene...» (concerti.de, 2022)
The combination of outstanding vocal work innovative programming concepts and a modern appearance makes the Zurich Chamber Singers under the direction of Christian Erny one of the most promising and interesting vocal ensembles of the young generation.

The diverse recordings of the choir, founded in 2015, have delighted press and audiences worldwide. Magazines such as Chorzeit or Aachener Zeitung speak of a „musical pleasure of the first order“ or praise the sound culture, which is „unparalleled“. Image HiFi Magazine already sees the Zurich Chamber Singers in the „Top 10 European chamber choirs“.

The Zurich Chamber Singers are exclusive artists on the Berlin Classics label. Their new album Bruckner Spectrum is a carefully and intelligently curated program around the Latin motets of Anton Bruckner. Their last album, O nata lux, received rave reviews from the international press. The Zurich Chamber Singers have also released a number of digital singles and EPs in 2021, including the ten-part Stabat mater by Domenico Scarlatti, as well as other works by Benjamin Britten, Jean Binet, Jean Deatwyler and Eugen Meier.
The Zurich Chamber Singers were founded in 2015 by Christian Erny and Emanuel Signer, initially with ten singer friends. In the meantime, the ensemble has grown into a pool of more than thirty singers, which has earned an excellent reputation as a professional choir.
The remarkable variety and flexibility of the young ensemble allows it to perform in almost every conceivable instrumentation and style. The choir covers repertoire ranging from Renaissance polyphony to twentieth-century choral symphony.